Montreal Percussion Workshop

The Montreal Percussion Workshop is a workshop dedicated to contemporary classical percussion. Aimed at advanced percussionists at the end of their studies or at the beginning of their career, the MPW offers an intensive week of private lessons, master classes and rehearsals, culminating in a final concert.
Coordinated by percussionist David Therrien Brongo, the MPW also counts on the expertise of Krystina Marcoux as mentor.
Workshops, master classes, etc.

Dynamic and applied pedagogue, David is frequently called upon to give workshops and master classes. He is a lecturer at the Schulich School of Music of McGill University and a professor at the International Academy of Music and Dance at Domaine Forget. He collaborated notably with Les Porteurs de musique, the Orchestre de Jeux Vidéos, the Garage à musique, the McGill Conservatory day camp, the UQAM music day camp and with many youth orchestras and schools. On the international scene, he taught at the Université d'État d'Haïti, at Vive la Música en Panguipulli (Chile), the Malta Youth Symphony (Malta), and the municipal orchestra of Igualada (Spain). He gave numerous master classes to percussionists and composers in England, Belgium and Mexico.
Collectif Unis/Sons

The Collectif Unis/Sons is a group of teaching artists dedicated to music education, particularly in a framework of social commitment and community involvement. With a focus on supporting schools and mentoring local faculty, the Collectif Unis/Sons is a music education project where community autonomy is at the heart of its approach. In a perspective of decolonization of exchanges between teacher and learner, the Collective proposes, both in its internal functioning and in its activities, a horizontal and collegial approach that allows individual and collective emancipation. David has been part of this project since its foundation in 2015.